
Composable Commerce Development Agency

We engineer winning ecommerce experiences with Composable Commerce.

We're Cocoon, and we leverage our expertise in Headless Commerce and Composable Architectures to develop winning solutions for retailers & online brands to make the most of bleeding-edge technology and digital infrastructure.

Gain stronger data insights with data centralization.

Take control of your data with a highly-connected, composable approach to ecommerce architecture.

Omnichannel: Be everywhere, and stay everywhere.

Stay connected with consumers wherever they're shopping. With composable, omnichannel's a breeze.

Ready for anything: Scale at ease and with minimal prep.

Reap the rewards of scalable modern application architecture with composable commerce.

Best-of-breed integrations so you're constantly ahead.

Better integrations through purpose-fit microservices to enable stronger sales, personalization, and data insights.

High-level modularity for a stable, flexible stack.

Plug data into any application or platform with composable—leveraging a modular MACH-based approach.

Break free of traditional tech restraints & innovate faster.

Shorten deployment cycles and alleviate traditional technical constraints with best-fit, modular architecture.

Let's talk Composable.

Personalized. API-driven. Integrated. Scalable. Commerce is changing.

Through the interweaving of best-in-class platforms and services, we develop winning e-commerce storefronts & applications using a composable approach.

Disruptive commerce, for the now.

We harness the latest & greatest tech to engineer indusry-leading commerce experiences for our clients. With composable, it's go time.


Fast commerce for Stringjoy, maker of the world's finest guitar strings.

Composable commerce & Headless Shopify for a highly-trafficked retailer of premium guitar strings.

A deep-dive on Composable Commerce


Interested in Composable Commerce?

We solve complex business challenges with composable implementations. Let's discuss your project and see how we can help.

Let's talk Composable

For industry-leader Bock, composable leads the way.

Cocoon leveraged composable commerce architecture to power Bock's state-of-the-art commerce experiences, which demand unrivaled personalization.

With composable, it's your business requirements that shape the technology stack.



We use thoughtful experience & interaction design to deliver engaging, purposeful commerce experiences to consumers. With a composable approach, we're able to utilize best-fit frontend tech to achieve this.



Personalized experiences, products and content lead to higher conversion and retention rates. Composable stacks provide the flexibility required to leverage data for deep commerce personalization at scale.



We solve embedded performance challenges through the deployment & utilization of more appropriate, composable tech stacks–doing away with legacy ecommerce architecture & optimization constraints.

Our best-of-breed arsenal of composable commerce frameworks.

Shopify Plus

We leverage best-in-class tech to build highly effective, modular stacks.


Composable experience delivery with trusted frontend frameworks.


Our favored content management tooling for composable stacks.


What we do. Composably.

We provide a range of Composable Commerce development services geared toward solving technical challenges for our clients.

Experience Design

For us, it's all about creating memorable moments that incite users to action. We do this by first developing a deep understanding of your brand, its story, and your audience. We use these informed insights to develop robust composable commerce stacks that boast strong experience design via dedicated storefronts and omnichannel distribution.


We all know that personalization powers sales. And with a composable architecture, connecting and accessing deeply-insightful data from all your sources is easier than ever. Through integration development, we develop richly personalized consumer experiences, product personalization, and algorithmic recommendations that drive sales and customer loyalty.

Systems Integration

Composable commerce is all about the careful selection of—and deep integration between—the software and systems that power your business. Using a MACH-based, modular approach, we integrate systems, services, platforms and tools to create seamless digital ecosystems for high-octane ecommerce companies. We build integrations that make meaningful business impact, and serve consumers through enhanced experiences.

Data Insights

The beauty of a composable approach to your ecommerce stack is the sheer connectivity of data between various systems and services. In opening up and unlocking this crucial data, we're able to empower clients to make informed, data-driven decisions and provide consumers with more of what they love. We build data funnels, digital data warehouses, and reporting dashboards to allow you to make better use of your all-important data.

Digital Transformation

We help businesses migrate to composable commerce stacks and do-away with the frustrations of maintaining legacy infrastructure. We also see this as a key opportunity to achieve further digital transformation of outdated systems and processes which no longer serve business requirements and consumer expectations.

Start winning with Composable Commerce

We build modern digital experiences for disruptive ecommerce brands, through tailored & value-driven Composable Commerce development.

Let's talk Composable

Best-in-class e-commerce with a composable approach


Bye Bye Legacy


Best-in-class. Always.


Headless By Design


We follow MACH principles to build composably

The MACH principles are core to our approach for composable commerce builds. We believe that this approach best positions disruptive commerce brands for digital success that's both sustainable and immediately scalable.


With a blend of custom-built microservices and third-party integrations, we use modularity to power composable commerce builds.


Through an API-first approach to composable commerce, we empower touchpoint-independent commerce that is able to integrate anywhere.


Freeing up your business from black boxes & money pits, we're composable commerce developers who build cloud-native for infinite scale.


Headless implementations are the backbone of composable commerce builds, relaying data, products & personalization to any device with ease.

What are the advantages of Composable Commerce?

We develop winning ecommerce solutions with composable architectures.

Improved DX

A composable approach lends itself to significantly improved DX (Developer Experience), due to the use of best-in-class tools and technologies for each individual component of the build or stack. This improves developers' ability to focus on integration and smooth interaction between each of the components of the application.

Technical Advantage

With composable commerce, an emphasis is placed on selecting the most appropriately-suited technology to an application's specific use case. In this regard, composable architectures are highly bespoke, and will be tailored to the functional requirements of a specific e-commerce store. This improves experiences & strengthens overall results.

Greater Reliability

By distributing functionality across a variety of integrated platforms and applications, e-commerce stores built using composable architecture have the potential to be more reliable. In the event that a component within the build fails, the rest of the application continues to operate smoothly, reducing the risks associated with bugs & downtime.

Lower Development Costs

The initial outlay for development of a composable commerce application is significantly less than with traditional monolithic architecture. This is due to the fact that a composable approach leads to a reduction in the amount of custom code that is required to power like-for-like functionality, while developers can focus on integration.

Reduction in Maintenance

The ongoing maintenance input and associated costs will generally be reduced (and potentially fairly substantially) with a composable commerce build—Due in large to the offloading of updates, fixes, and other activities which are instead performed by the vendors of the integrated third-party tools, platforms and APIs.

Lower Infrastructure Costs

A reduction in ongoing infrastructure costs will often be observed with a composable approach, due to the fact that a greater number of services are provided by external applications and APIs. This can result in better allocation of spend and reduce the ongoing expense on fragile in-house infrastructure.

Composable vs Traditional Commerce

Modernize your legacy stack and break free of traditional tech limitations with a composable approach to e-commerce.

Composable Commerce

A modern development approach to e-commerce, prioritizing data & integrated tech solutions.

Traditional Commerce

The traditional way of building e-commerce stores, with all-in-one software or platforms.

Modern stack

Composable stacks utilize a modern MACH-based (microservices, APIs, cloud-native, headless) approach. This fosters the selection of multiple best-fit technology, each designated to fulfilling a particular need, connected through a middleware layer. As a result, composable stacks scale better & allow for a high-level of data utilization.

Legacy stack

We use the term "legacy" to refer to traditional ecommerce builds, where a single platform is responsible for delivering the majority of the backend and frontend experiences. An alternative terminology for such systems is "monolithic". This kind of tech often stands in the way of agile innovation and scalability.


Composable Commerce stacks are highly modular, given that they utilize a variety of interconnected technology & microservices. This enables flexibilty in tech selection, but also allows businesses the freedom to easily exchange one component of the stack for another as business needs change over time.


Monolithic ecommerce platforms are known for their bulkiness and general vendor lock-in. As monolithic systems are responsible for delivering the majority of the ecommerce experience (both frontend & backend), they're notoriously hard to innovate with. Monolithic systems can often contribute to challenges in agility and innovation for modern businesses.

Connected Data

In a composable stack, data is frequently passed between various microservices and technology platforms. This fluidity in data movement allows crucial information to be repurposed elsewhere, and unlocks it from independent platforms. Often, a composable stack will utilize a "single source of truth" for various data types. For instance, the sharing of data between a PIM, the ecommerce system and end-user experience itself, and a warehouse management system is a breeze with Composable.

Siloed Data

Traditional monolithic ecommerce applications often exhibit problems related to siloed data. This means that data is "stuck" inside the ecommerce application, and is either hard to access or to utilize elsewhere. For example, customer data stored within the core ecommerce application might be challenging to share and implement with external tools such as CRMs and ERPs. This means that fast-moving retailers are stunted in their ability to leverage crucial data within the business.


Composable Commerce stacks utilize a variety of integrated systems and services to deliver a holistic overall experience on both frontends and backends. Resultingly, the stack as-a-whole does not necessarily depend on any single technology in particular in order for other components to function. This is huge for disruptive ecommerce businesses, as it mitigates the risk of downtime and offloads a large degree of maintenance from the core development team and thus the business itself. This is very much in-line with the MACH "cloud-native" principle.


Monolithic systems of any kind are inherently a major business liability. This is due to the fact that the business relies solely on a single system for its core ecommerce delivery and operations. Should an issue occur with any area of the core ecommerce application, operations are immediately at risk. Conversely, with a composable stack, it's possible for the remainder of the system (whether part of the frontend or backend) to continue functioning in the case of unavailability of any individual component. Less risk, less disaster control.


The nature of modular stacks is that they're flexible. It's all about modularity when it comes to Composable Commerce. As a fast-moving retailer, you're able to switch out components of the stack that are no longer performing or fit-for-purpose, which can happen as business needs and consumer demands change over time. In terms of initial conception, the stack is formed from a combination of carefully selected tech and purpose-built microservices which means that—as a whole—the system is always designed with core business requirements in mind.


It's harder to gain control with older, legacy ecommerce systems. By design, they're built to handle a wide variety of use cases and meet the needs of many retail businesses. Unfortunately, this means that it's often more difficult and time-intensive to implement highly-custom functionality. We speak with many retailers who have tried to bend and break their ecommerce software in order that it's better able to meet the goals of the business and its consumers. Unfortunately, this comes with consequences, and is usually a cost and time-intensive feat.


With Composable Commerce, data takes center stage. A stack of best-in-class services and technology can be connected by a robust intermediary that we refer to as "middleware". In a composable build, middleware is responsible for communicating data across different systems and acting upon various events (such a new purchase, a changed PIM entry, or a new authentication of a customer) accordingly. This freeing of crucial business data is vital in the today's fast-paced digital landscape.


In monolithic ecommerce architecture, the level of technical success is determined by the platform and its implementation. This is a risky place for a business to be, because it leads to a high reliance on a single application to house and manage data (a cause of data siloing), but also means that extensions or enhancements to the software are highly platform dependent. Constrastingly, composable builds put the focus on data and leverage multiple best-fit platforms to achieve the end experience desired.


As new services and technologies are modularized within a composable stack, the system only grows stronger in its level of integration and the end-user experiences delivered on both the frontends and the backends. This is due in part to the efficiency of a modularized system, and that its performance doesn't depend on any one single piece of software.

Additionally, composable builds utilize modern development and architecture methodologies, with a general preference torward progressive tech rather than legacy.


With a monolithic ecommerce system, it's often the case that extensions to the codebase cause inevitable performance issues. With each new functionality, the demands upon the central application are increased. It doesn't help that the most-utilized monolithic ecommerce applications are self-hosted and written in PHP. Often, businesses and developers attempt to band-aid these problems with the layering of additional plugins or caching mechanisms, but we know from many of our clients' previous experiences that eventually, the cracks begin to show.

Low Maintenance

Arguably, composable commerce builds have the potential to ease the overall maintenance burden from both businesses and their development teams. A MACH approach to software architecure helps to eliminate the risks associated with over-reliance on a single piece of tech. A strong adoption of microservices, along with a cloud-native approach, helps to alleviate a large amount of maintenance responsibility from development teams; rather tasking individual software and platforms to conduct whatever they're best at. Additionally, the use of microservices helps to reduce overall development and debugging time, by isolating code which has been designated to perform a very particular task.

High Maintenance

In contrast to what you might think, monolithic software tends to lead to higher ongoing maintenance requirements in comparison to composable builds. It takes longer to prototype changes, manage multiple environments, and deploy code. In a monolithic application, code is so tightly coupled that even a small, seemingly insignificant bug can cause a halt in the entire system. Ultimately, it's this tight coupling of code that is responsible for a higher maintenance burden and the increase of risk. On the contrary, if various components of the stack were modularized and connected through a robust middleware layer, much of this risk could be better contained and mitigated.


Composable builds are purpose-built to meet the highly specific (and often nuanced) needs of a particular business. Retailers and their development teams have freedom to define and leverage best-fit technology for the delivery of every individual aspects to the stack, which means that such a solution is better tailored to specific needs. A composable approach celebrates the diversity in the tech landscape.


All-in-one. One-and-done. Jack of all trades, master of none.

Monolithic ecommerce platforms aim to meet a broad variety of needs, and satisfy businesses of all shapes and sizes. For progressive, agile brands, monolithic software stands in the way of innovation; inhbiting the development of rich and highly-custom experiences.

Selectively Scalable

With composable architectures, individual components of the stack can be scaled selectively as demand requires. This is more efficient when compared to a traditional e-commerce build, which would require scaling of the entire application at the same time. Certain components of a composable build may be more frequently accessed or queried, and these can be scaled on demand without having to increase resources for lower-demand services within the build’s architecture. This efficiency is two fold in that it enables faster scaling to take place, but is also efficient from a cost perspective. This is a core benefit of composable commerce, and one that is far harder to achieve with traditional monolithic systems.

Inefficient to scale

Monolithic e-commerce systems are harder to scale efficiently. This is because the entire system is required to move in the same direction, and individual components cannot be selectively scaled in an efficient, easy-to-do way. In periods of heightened or unexpected surges in traffic, the entire system will need to be scaled, which can prove costly and sometimes slow to achieve. In contrast, comparable e-commerce builds sport a more modular nature which allows for the scaling of individual components as needs require. Scaling a monolithic e-commerce system is often costlier, especially when it’s only a few select areas that are impacted by the increase in demand.


Composable Commerce builds tend to implement headless architecture in the spirit of best-in-class technology implementation. This allows composable builds to take advantage of all the benefits of a headless commerce implementation such as faster response times, better levels of integration, and multiple content sources. The headless frontend of a composable commerce build sources data from (often) multiple backend data sources and services, all while delivering a seamless and unified experience to end users. However, this interconnectivity provides greater opportunities for personalization and data insights.

Tightly Coupled

Traditional e-commerce architectures are not typically headless, unless additional and specific work has been undertaken to decouple them. Tightly coupled architecture refers to a setup whereby the backend of the store and the storefront itself are controlled and delivered by the same application with no separation between the two. These types of setups can be seen as “easier” to maintain in the short term but can suffer from a range of challenges particularly for fast-growing stores. In particular, performance degradation and a lack of flexibility in the delivery of user experiences.

We build it faster with composable.

It would be naive to refer to Composable Commerce as "plug-and-play". We prefer the term efficient.

Through careful selection of multiple best-fit platforms and technology partners, a composable approach to ecommerce development can result in a vastly reduced time to market, whilst providing for a smoothly integrated experience from the frontend through to operations.

Through our experience in the composable commerce development, we're able to present and recommend best-in-class technology that is suited to your specific business needs.

Composable commerce can be thought of as a modular approach to building modern ecommerce storefronts and digital shopping experiences.

Multiple components are able to work together to build a highly-efficient ecommerce experience from both a presentation (frontend) and backend perspective. A best-in-class payment gateway can be coupled with the most appropriate order management backend, and a best-fit inventory solution can be linked to the ideal warehouse and fulfillment management platform. There is no vendor "lock-in", which is typically associated with traditional ecommerce builds, allowing businesses and developers to hand-pick the most suited tools for the specific goals of the project.

This "building-blocks" approach results in a completely custom roster of technology and infrastructure partners that are best able to suit a business's specific ecommerce needs.

In other words, the technology stack powering two Composable Commerce stores is not likely to be the same.

Reducing Platform Reliance

A composable approach to ecommerce aims to achieve interoperability with multiple best-fit technologies. This contrasts heavily with a more traditional all-in-one solution to ecommerce, through the delegation of key processes and functionalities to the most aptly-suited technology. Headless architecture and APIs are key to an effective composable commerce build, enabling each element of the build to interact with the other. This methodology reduces your business's reliance on any one particular platform, in favor of a feature-set which is distributed across various platforms and providers where they constitute a best-fit.

As a result, we can avoid the concerns typically associated with "vendor lock-in", and if one integration or microservice experiences downtime, this can be mitigated so that other areas of the ecommerce build are only minimally impacted.

Reducing Developer Dependence

The modular architecture employed in composable commerce builds reduces reliance on a single development team.

As the tech stack is comprised of multiple components, many of which will usually be maintained by an external vendor, the overall reliance on an internal development team is reduced fairly significantly. This isn't to say that composable e-commerce stores can operate without frequent developer input, but it does mean that the weight is distributed more evenly between internal development and external vendor applications.

With composable architectures, an internal development team (or composable commerce development agency) will focus development resources on the overall integration of the tech stack, ensuring smooth interoperability of each component of the stack.


A composable approach to e-commerce development involves the marrying of multiple best-of-breed technologies in order to create a purpose-built tech stack. This means that each individual business requirement or functional need is satisfied by a specific component (ie a microservice, third party technology integration, etc).

Each component in question is selected by the development team in combination with project stakeholders on the basis of its ability to perform and satisfy its intended use case. This enables the selection of multiple best-fit technologies, each servicing a different area of the application and performing a narrow set of highly specialised functions.

As a result, composable commerce builds are more specialised, fit for purpose, and feature-rich. As business needs change over time, individual components of the stack can be swapped out for more suited alternatives, allowing the system to continually perform at the level required, and adapt as times change.

Conversely, traditional e-commerce platforms aim to satisfy a plethora of business requirements within a single system. While this may sound attractively convenient, it means that the application has to juggle various types of highly specialised tasks, not all of which may be one of its key strengths.

Traditional e-commerce platforms are tasked with both backend and operational functionality and product management, in addition to frontend rendering, presentation, and experience delivery. Beside these, the system may be involved in delivering numerous other functionalities such as search, inventory management, personalisation, and the creation and maintaining of custom landing pages and supplementary website content.

It’s a tall order to expect a single software to be a master at all of these functional needs. Oftentimes, limitations of the core e-commerce system itself are alleviated with the use of third party plugins or apps, which although providing short term satisfaction of business requirements, frequently contribute to application bloat and subsequent performance issues. In comparison, composable commerce approaches a tech stack differently; leveraging an integrated series of best-in-class components to architect a modular stack that achieves each individual business requirement with the best possible outcome.

Decision Maker

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Experience Advisor

In the context of ecommerce development, the term "Composable Commerce" refers to the practice of building a modularized & highly-integrated stack, comprised of best-fit technologies & microservices in order to deliver a superior customer and operations experience.

Let's talk Composable.

We build modern digital experiences for disruptive brands.

Tell us about your project, and we’ll get back to you with details on how we can make this happen.